Women In Metrology
Extracting information from 3D data?
Then you belong here!!

Unwind with some metrology trivia and initiating the foundation for a new branch of the networking process. The group is all inclusive and not gender specific. So sneak in (scroll down) and take a peek at what’s going on with Women in Metrology!
September 10, 2020 Women in Metrology Cocktail hour #1
CMSC 2020 September Speaker Series introduced the Women in Metrology cocktail sessions as an avenue to connect via mutually interesting topics. It kicked off with an overview of several women of science from history and current eras (Hedy Lamarr and the Measuring Woman Alice Fletcher, to name a couple) followed by how childhood gender roles predetermine one’s usage of measurements and how today’s youth is discovering metrology. Listen to the discussion and drop Rina a note at treasurer@cmsc.org with your thoughts.
September 17, 2020 Women in Metrology Cocktail hour #2
During CMSC 2020 September Speaker Series, the Women in Metrology gathered for their second discussion session. Topics included Marie Tharp, who calculated, plotted, and deduced that the mid-Atlantic ridge and trench led credible evidence to tectonic drift and ways to captivate the general public with science and metrology. Listen to the talk on making metrology fun for all ages and drop Rina a note at treasurer@cmsc.org with your thoughts.
September 24, 2020 Women in Metrology Cocktail hour #3
To wrap up three weeks of the CMSC 2020 September Speaker Series, the Women in Metrology gathered once again. Discussions ranged from RBG, Marie Curie, Picture Book Biographies feature of women in science including Bonnie Dunbar and Marie Tharp, gender quotas, a look at how one group tries to categorize women’s advancement problems and our opinions on these topics. Drop into the chat at your leisure and leave Rina a note at treasurer@cmsc.org with your thoughts.