Marketing Opportunities Thank you for your purchase. --123CMSC Training rooms Sponsorship $300.00 Thursday 8am-12pm ($300.00) (3 available) "Specific dates and time slots are based on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a follow-up email in the order of date/time purchased. • Training rooms will be made available from Monday to Thursday of the CMS conference. •Exhibitors may reserve for 4 hours or 8hours, one day or multiple days. Just use the quantity button for how many 4 hour sessions you would like to purchase and pick which days. •Times are from 8:00 am to noon, other opition is 1:00pm to 5:00 pm.. •Available on a first come, first served basis to any organization or individual who is already a member of CMS •The training class can be determined by the sponsor but approved by CMS •Exhibit pass will be made available to all students •Training Sponsor is responsible for marketing, booking, setting up activity and related equipment. •Pricing •$300 (per 4 hours) Course advertisement & Signage. •$75 per student CMS membership •Annual conference proceedings •Technical papers & photos •CMS by-laws •Meals can be purchased for Students and Trainer - Also includes acknowledgement in program and company logo on website --1Gigatours Tesla sponorship $600.00 ($600.00) (1 available) Comes with 2 free tickets to attend tour. Ad in the program and signage, mentioned several times at the conference in opening talks.--1Monday Icebreaker Event Co-Sponsor $2500.00 ($2,500.00) (1 available) Sponsor will receive acknowledgment in the program with full page "Thank You" and the display arch by registration and in the post conference journal publication. Verbal acknowledgment during the conference. Free website sponsorship for 1 year which includes a hotlink to sponsors' website.Plus actual cost of event. --1Wednesday Gathering and network Evening Co-Sponsor ($2,500.00) (1 available) * Acknowledgment in the Conference Program with half page "Thank You" (multiple sponsors will be listed alphabetically) * Acknowledgment on the display arch by registration or the exhibit hall entry (multiple sponsors will be listed alphabetically) * Free website sponsorship for 1 year * The Banquet Sponsor(s) may post up to (6) small “pull up” posters around the perimeter of the exhibit hall * CMS/EC and the banquet sponsor(s) will work together to plan and coordinate this social event --123Wednesday Afternoon Break Co-Sponsor cost of food & drinks plus $250.00 ($250.00) (3 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. Free website sponsorship for 1 year which includes a hotlink to sponsors' website--123Thursday Afternoon Break Co-Sponsor Cost of food & drinks plus $250.00 ($250.00) (3 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. Free website sponsorship for 1 year which includes a hotlink to sponsors' website--123Tuesday Afternoon Break Co-Sponsor cost of food & drinks plus $250.00 ($250.00) (3 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. Free website sponsorship for 1 year which includes a hotlink to sponsors' website--123CMSC Training rooms Sponsorship $300.00 Monday 8am-12pm ($300.00) (3 available) "Specific dates and time slots are based on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a follow-up email in the order of date/time purchased. • Training rooms will be made available from Monday to Thursday of the CMS conference. •Exhibitors may reserve for 4 hours or 8hours, one day or multiple days. Just use the quantity button for how many 4 hour sessions you would like to purchase and pick which days. •Times are from 8:00 am to noon, other opition is 1:00pm to 5:00 pm.. •Available on a first come, first served basis to any organization or individual who is already a member of CMS •The training class can be determined by the sponsor but approved by CMS •Exhibit pass will be made available to all students •Training Sponsor is responsible for marketing, booking, setting up activity and related equipment. •Pricing •$300 (per 4 hours) Course advertisement & Signage. •$75 per student CMS membership •Annual conference proceedings •Technical papers & photos •CMS by-laws •Meals can be purchased for Students and Trainer - Also includes acknowledgement in program and company logo on website --12345Gift Bag Items ($100.00 plus cost) ($100.00) (25 available) This is only for a gift item no brochures, flyers, etc. Sponsor pays for gift bag item (which must be approved by CMS), printing, artwork and shipping to conference site.--12345Wednesday Lunch Co-Sponsor $500.00 ($500.00) (6 available) Sponsor will receive acknowledgment in the program with 1/4 page "Thank you" and the display arch by registration. Verbal acknowledgment during the conference. Signage by the lunch area.--12345Tuesday Lunch Co-Sponsor $500.00 ($500.00) (6 available) Sponsor will receive acknowledgment in the program with 1/4 page "Thank you" and the display arch by registration. Verbal acknowledgment during the conference. Signage by the lunch area. --12345Thursday Lunch Co-sponsor $500.00 ($500.00) (6 available) Sponsor will receive acknowledgment in the program with 1/4 page "Thank you" and the display arch by registration. Verbal acknowledgment during the conference. Signage by the lunch area. --12345Conference Program Half-Page Ad ($325) ($325.00) (20 available) The CMSC conference Program is set at a quantity of 600 for print and will be distributed to attendees during final registration in their registration bags, available quantities of half-page ad's are unlimited. --12345Website advertising & CMSC Mobile App $500 ($500.00) (38 available) Experience our new Google search engine package at this annual price, which includes: Company Logo, Company Description, Website, Contact Information, CMSC Booth numbers if applicable.--12CMSC Training rooms Sponsorship $300.00 Wednesday 1pm-5pm ($300.00) (2 available) "Specific dates and time slots are based on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a follow-up email in the order of date/time purchased. • Training rooms will be made available from Monday to Thursday of the CMS conference. •Exhibitors may reserve for 4 hours or 8hours, one day or multiple days. Just use the quantity button for how many 4 hour sessions you would like to purchase. •Times are from 8:00 am to noon, other opition is 1:00pm to 5:00 pm.. •Available on a first come, first served basis to any organization or individual who is already a member of CMS •The training class can be determined by the sponsor but approved by CMS •Exhibit pass will be made available to all students •Training Sponsor is responsible for marketing, booking, setting up activity and related equipment. •Pricing •$300 (per 4 hours) Course advertisement & Signage. •$75 per student CMS membership •Annual conference proceedings •Technical papers & photos •CMS by-laws •Meals can be purchased for Students and Trainer - Also includes acknowledgement in program and company logo on website --12345CMSC Mobile App $250.00 ($250.00) (40 available) CMSC Agenda and Mobile App: Upgrade Includes CMSC Exhibitor 360° Digital Profile on the Agenda and Mobile App Add Company Logo. (Included at no charge for 2025.) Video Link: YouTube link, Spotlight a new technology video or Vendor presentation. (Please provide link.) Include hyperlinks within Company Description. Allow the audience to directly chat with you from the CMSC App. Includes direct links to social media profiles: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. (Please provide link.) Cost: $250.00--12345Contributing Exhibitor or Attendee from $500 to $5000.00 ($500.00) (25 available) This sponsorships includes: Recognition in 2024 Spring issue of Journal of the CMSC Thank you on home page for contributing. Minimum of visual and verbal recognition during CMSC 2024 These are sold in $500 increments so if you would like $1000 please hit quantity of two, if you'd like $1500 please hit quantity of three, etc. This contributing donations is to be use where CMSC sees fits. Please contact Jan Rode, for the details and she will create the invoice for your company. CMS would like to THANK YOU for for your support and donation: --1Metrologist in Training Certification Sponsorship for $300 ($300.00) (1 available) Includes: Sponsor is responsible for setting up activity and related equipment Acknowledgement in program and company logo on website Training runs from Tues – Weds with exams on Thursday This sponsorship does not include any complimentary registrations.--12345Website Advertising $300 ($300.00) (27 available) Experience our new Google search engine package at this annual price, which includes: Company Logo, Company Description, Website, Contact Information, CMSC Booth numbers if applicable.--1Wireless in Exhibit Hall $1600.00 ($1,600.00) (1 available) Quarter page add in the conference program. Logo and mention on website. Logo on a conference banner. --1Education Zone $5000.00 ($5,000.00) (1 available) Sponsor will receive a full-page “Thank-You” ad in the Conference Program, as well as acknowledgement via on-site signage on the display arch near registration and within the Measurement Zone itself. There will also be a verbal acknowledgement during the conference. Free website sponsorship for 1 year which includes a hotlink to sponsors' website.--1Tuesday Afternoon Break Co-Sponsor cost of food & drinks plus $250.00 ($250.00) (1 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. --1Thursday Afternoon Break Co-Sponsor Cost of food & drinks plus $250.00 ($250.00) (1 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. --1Wednesday Afternoon Break Co-Sponsor cost of food & drinks plus $250.00 ($250.00) (1 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. --12345Conference Program Full-Page Ad $550.00 ($550.00) (19 available) The CMSC conference Program is set at a quantity of 600 for print and will be distributed to attendees during final registration in their registration bags, available quantities of full-page ad's are unlimited.--123CMSC Training rooms Sponsorship $300.00 Monday 1pm-5pm ($300.00) (3 available) "Specific dates and time slots are based on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a follow-up email in the order of date/time purchased. • Training rooms will be made available from Monday to Thursday of the CMS conference. •Exhibitors may reserve for 4 hours or 8hours, one day or multiple days. Just use the quantity button for how many 4 hour sessions you would like to purchase and pick which days. •Times are from 8:00 am to noon, other opition is 1:00pm to 5:00 pm.. •Available on a first come, first served basis to any organization or individual who is already a member of CMS •The training class can be determined by the sponsor but approved by CMS •Exhibit pass will be made available to all students •Training Sponsor is responsible for marketing, booking, setting up activity and related equipment. •Pricing •$300 (per 4 hours) Course advertisement & Signage. •$75 per student CMS membership •Annual conference proceedings •Technical papers & photos •CMS by-laws •Meals can be purchased for Students and Trainer - Also includes acknowledgement in program and company logo on website --123CMSC Training rooms Sponsorship $300.00 Wednesday 8am-12pm ($300.00) (3 available) "Specific dates and time slots are based on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a follow-up email in the order of date/time purchased. • Training rooms will be made available from Monday to Thursday of the CMS conference. •Exhibitors may reserve for 4 hours or 8hours, one day or multiple days. Just use the quantity button for how many 4 hour sessions you would like to purchase. •Times are from 8:00 am to noon, other opition is 1:00pm to 5:00 pm.. •Available on a first come, first served basis to any organization or individual who is already a member of CMS •The training class can be determined by the sponsor but approved by CMS •Exhibit pass will be made available to all students •Training Sponsor is responsible for marketing, booking, setting up activity and related equipment. •Pricing •$300 (per 4 hours) Course advertisement & Signage. •$75 per student CMS membership •Annual conference proceedings •Technical papers & photos •CMS by-laws •Meals can be purchased for Students and Trainer - Also includes acknowledgement in program and company logo on website --1CMSC Training rooms Sponsorship $300.00 Tuesday 8am-12pm ($300.00) (1 available) "Specific dates and time slots are based on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a follow-up email in the order of date/time purchased. • Training rooms will be made available from Monday to Thursday of the CMS conference. •Exhibitors may reserve for 4 hours or 8hours, one day or multiple days. Just use the quantity button for how many 4 hour sessions you would like to purchase. •Times are from 8:00 am to noon, other opition is 1:00pm to 5:00 pm.. •Available on a first come, first served basis to any organization or individual who is already a member of CMS •The training class can be determined by the sponsor but approved by CMS •Exhibit pass will be made available to all students •Training Sponsor is responsible for marketing, booking, setting up activity and related equipment. •Pricing •$300 (per 4 hours) Course advertisement & Signage. •$75 per student CMS membership •Annual conference proceedings •Technical papers & photos •CMS by-laws •Meals can be purchased for Students and Trainer - Also includes acknowledgement in program and company logo on website --12345Coffee only morning break ($2500 includes the coffee). ($2,500.00) (6 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. Free website sponsorship for 1 year which includes a hotlink to sponsors' website. This is the full price for coffee for 330 ppl.--12345Door Prize $100.00 plus cost of item. ($100.00) (10 available) The $100.00 fee goes to advertsing your sponsorship. This sponsorship will allow you to put a gift in your booth that you have selected and paid for, then you will have a raffle (please bring a container to collect names and paper to wirte names on incase they do not have a business card) in your booth. During exhibit hours you will be granted a few minutes to annouce the winner.--12345Tuesday Breakfast Co-Sponsor $500.00 ($500.00) (6 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. --12345Wednesday Breakfast Co-Sponsor $500.00 ($500.00) (6 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad. --12345Thursday Breakfast Co-Sponsor $1500.00 ($1,500.00) (6 available) Signage will be displayed. Company name will be acknowledge in the program with 1/4 page Thank you ad.Continue